Quick pregnancy update...things are going well. I'm measuring right on target. Not gaining ANY weight, which is fine by me as long as our baby BOY is healthy! Yep...I am soon to be the mom of FOUR boys! Love it! I'm feeling better (minus a punishing UTI I'm dealing with right now) and baby is rocking out, kicking up a storm in my ever-expanding belly!
PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! We have SO much on the horizon!!
I've found a project I am including the kiddos on that I cannot WAIT to try! We are going to make onesies for our baby BOY, due August 10th! Now that I am finally feeling better after what seemed like NEVER-ENDING "morning" sickness. I can cook again...and clean...and CRAFT! Yay!
So I will be much more present, now! Spring is in the air...which always invigorates my heart! I've got photography work going on which makes me happy. The baby is seeming more real to the kids now that I'm getting a big belly and since we found out it's a boy! I just feel so much more like myself! Ahhh...bliss!
Now that I'm back COOKING up a storm, you can be expecting more new recipe posts! (And this is a long way off, but I am very much looking forward to trying something new...making our own baby food!)
We've got LOTS of home renovations going on too...we're doing some bedroom swapping, and all the kids (and the man and I) will be shifted around and in new and improved rooms! Lots of fun...and lots to post about!
Ahhh...I am feeling GOOD about life today! Love days like that! Back tomorrow with my son William's favorite dish to post about...SUPER EASY "Half-Homemade" Chicken Enchiladas!! Yummy!!