Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HOO are YOU!?!?

Ahhh...Tuesday again! And you know what that means! Time for my FAVORITE link-it-up party of the week...Night Owl Crafting's HOO ARE YOU!?!?!


1. Do you wear glasses or contacts, if so for how long?
I have been rockin’ eyewear since the ripe ol’ age of FIVE (yes…5.) It started out with a failed eye test at school, followed by a local eye doctor telling my mom they were wrong and that my eyes were fine, another failed eye test, and a new eye doctor saying “Well what do you know!? She’s blind in her left eye!” Lovely. (Needless to say, that first eye doctor does NOT get my praises…) After years of patching my right eye (to force my left eye to work…and yes, I said patching…as in pirate. Arrrggg.), I am happy to say I can wear normal eyeglasses/contacts these days. (A far cry from the ridiculousness I had going on in 1987!) I have contacts and wear them on occasion…more often in the summer when I want to rock my “stunna shades” (ha!). But I LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing funky specs, so I wear glasses 95% of the time.

2. What was your favorite board game as a kid?
Hmmm…good question. I quite liked Splat! (Do you remember that game? With the Play-doh bugs??) I found that game at Goodwill last year sometime and my kids love it. A classic, for sure.
3. What is a word that you use all the time?
Ahahaha…we’re a bunch of crazies in our household and among our group of friends. I say “stoked” a lot…or “gourd” (as in “you are out of your gourd”…LOL!) The man gets on these phrase kicks and will start his own catch phrase that he says (and gets everyone else saying for weeks at a time! Yes…we are THAT ridiculous.) The current catch phrase at our house is “Holy WAH!” (so we say that…a lot! LOL!)

4. What is your favorite day of the week?
Sunday. The only thing that sucks about Sunday is that it’s followed by “back to work, Monday”. But Sunday is when I clean, grocery shop, watch football, etc. I love me some Sundays.

5. Did you graduate high school from the town you grew up in?
Yes…Class of 2000 baby! Woot!

Now head on over and check out Night Owl Crafting (and follow her blog while you're at it...it's a good one!!!) :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

I found a fun new Friday party over at "The Little Things We Do..." so hop on over and take part in "Fill in the blank Friday"!!!

1. My favorite quote is...one of many. I really love words and the responses they illicit in people. Top three are: “Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world need are people who have come alive.” (-Howard Thurman) “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” (-Winston Churchill) and “All the effort in the world means nothing if you’re not inspired.” (-Chuck Palahniuk). I’m a sucker for song lyrics too, but I could go on all day about it.

2. A bad habit I have is...NAILBITING! I am getting better though. I still catch myself doing it when I'm stressed, but once I realize I'm doing it, I stop right away!

3. The first time I felt like a "grown up" was...when I bought an iron and was stoked about it.

4. Weekends are...ALWAYS busy, but they also allow me much needed extra time with the kiddos, extra time to catch up on the housework, and extra time to just chill without feeling guilty about it! Looking forward to the weekend gets me through the week, FO SHO!

5. When I was a child I wished my name was...I don't even remember? I don't know if I ever wished I had a specific name but there were names I'd given my dolls that I planned for future children (that I did NOT stick with)...Anastasia, Kennedy, Lincoln (all girl names), and then there was my very favorite doll, William (that I did indeed name my first son!!)

6. I wish...I could afford to stay at home (work from home) and take care of my family...spend more time with my boys...have more time to cook and clean without having to spend the majority of my evenings doing it...I SO wish I could stay home. It is my goal and I WILL get there...I just hope it's while my kids are still young. :(

7. A secret I have is...while I'm looking forward to fitting into clothing a couple sizes smaller, I still miss Jalapeno Cheetos!!!!! (I have been doing pretty great on my new healthy eating plan though, so I am proud of myself!) :)

Alright friends...link it up!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Woot...It's HOO ARE YOU time at Night Owl Crafting! Love this...love getting to know my fellow bloggers a little bit better! So head on over there and link up, party people!


1. Are you fond of cooking? YES...I love to cook! (Well...I love to cook when it's not my job. I have down the whole cooking as a profession thing and it made me hate cooking both at work and at home. Yucko.) I absolutely love trying out new recipes, and tweaking old recipes to my liking. Love making dinner every night for my family and trying fun new breakfasts with the kiddos on the weekends. LOVE making dips and appetizers for a bunch of friends when they come over to watch football or Supercross. Love to grill in the summer...yummmmmm. So yes, not only am I "fond of" it...I LOVE it!

2. What kind of food do you prefer eating when you are out? MEXICAN! I am one quesadilla lovin' Momma!!

3. Which do you prefer, sweet or salty? Oh, hands down, salty. I could live of popcorn and chips...although I'm starting BIGGEST LOSER next week at work (cannot WAIT!) and popcorn and chips are going to be a thing of the past. :(

4. Where is the last place you ate out at? A local pizza place here called Brothers Three...we went on New Year's Eve for the second year in a row and it was delish, as usual!! We always split our pizzas half an half, and got two smalls...so we got half pepperoni with half Mexican pizza (the man's faves) and I got half Hawaiian with half Bacon Cheeseburger! SO amazing!

5. What's for dinner tonight? I don't know yet, actually...the weeks the kids are at their dad's we just kind of wing it. I'm going to run home at lunch and probably throw some chicken in the crock pot.

Seriously now, get over to Night Owl Crafting...link it up folks!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 Days of Truth - Day 3

If you recall, I started a "30 Days of Truth" series a couple months ago. As promised, I am continuing. I knew I wouldn't be posting one a day (or even one a week) but as part of my 2011 resolution to keep my blogging going strong, I'm going to take on another question today while my family naps.

We're up to Day 3...

Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Hmm...that's tough. I am pretty headstrong about refusing to live a life of regret.

We are human and we all make mistakes. Every decision in my lifetime, good or bad, has led me to this exact life...this exact moment. So if I hang on to those bad choices...times when, looking back I can see, I probably should've acted otherwise, I'm not really sold...because had I done that, I wouldn't be where I am right this very second. And I love where I am right this very second.

I cannot know for certain if the choices I have made have brought me to a place that is better or worse than where I would be otherwise, but I don't care. I CAN'T care. Because I am who I am and I am where I am...and that's just what it is. (Very "Butterfly Effect"...I know.)

I thought long and hard about this before answering and that's really the best answer I can give. :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hello New Year!!

It's been a crazy, amazing 2010 and I am FULLY looking forward to more amazing-ness in 2011!!!

An update on life around here...remember that bedroom makeover we did? Yeah, scratch that. I've decided I can't stand sleeping upstairs so far from the kiddos, so the new game plan is to find a new bedroom set (as opposed to trying to get our big stuff back down the small staircase! LOL!) and take one of the small bedrooms downstairs. We are rearranging once again and I feel REALLY good about our plans this time! <3

We and the kids are doing fantastically! Our sweet Benji just got over a week long stomach bug...that wasn't the most fun ever but we are grateful to have him back to his smiling self. Love that baby! <3

The big kids are doing well in school, had a fun-filled Christmas...and we are still sorting out the toy tornado that went through our living room!

NUMERO UNO on the New Year's Resolutions list is GET ORGANIZED. We've made some small changes already and I am looking forward to a less hectic year due to better organization. Wish me luck!

Other resolutions include taking more pictures of my kiddos, making time for a date night with Adam once in awhile...not just for a special occasion, but just because, and being a better blogger. I love blogging...i just need to allot myself the time to do it. And (again, as part of the New Year, fresh start) I am vowing to do just that. Allow myself time to do some of the things I love...read, write, (no...not arithmetic!) learn!!!!

I am just loving life and hope you are too!

Happy Twenty-Eleven friends! <3

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